Tuesday 29 April 2014

Astroid Sprite

initial for the image of the Sprite i was going to make multiple image of rocks, however once i started to make the first lot of images i saw that this would take too much time. so i decided to make them into a groups and randomise the size and scale of each image to make them seem as unique rocks.
I have made this astroid image in photoshop i will use the image in the game as a sprite that interacts with the Spaceship. The space will be able to collide with the astroids. at the start of the first level i want it to be as the Space ship has encountered a astroid field. There i will use this sprite in a group where it will produce multiples of this sprite as different scales and velocities in x and y. thus giving the effect of the Spaceship being inside of astroid field 
Here is the start up of the First level where the astroids have been randomly inserted as size, speed and areas of the level. when the Ships collides with one of these rocks then the speed and direction of the astroid will alter.

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