Tuesday 6 May 2014

Final Thoughts

After finalising the game, i am overall disappointed i some areas of the game. Not all areas of the game were finished to the standard that i want them to be. Even though the i was disappointed with the overall product there was areas that i am proud of and the developing of the game has given me a deeper understanding of using phaser and game coding dynamics.

Creating a gravity within the game became very difficult this due to my lack of understand of phaser and also the abilities of phaser not being able to detect round objects.

Areas that i was please with was developing my tile-sets, sprite-sheets and other art work inside the game. shooting, moving the enemy sprite are also areas that i am proud of.
if i was going to create a game again i believe that i would be able to achieve a lot more within the game because of what i have learnt in the development of this game.


Game Over and Restart Added

When the SpaceShip collides with a alien the ship will display the explosion animation then a text will appear to click to restart the game. the restart will then reset the position of the spaceship 

Monday 5 May 2014

Developing Splash Screen

I have used the image as I have shown before in a previous post. i have edit the image to include the controls of the game i will also use another image to instruct the user to click to start the game.

This will be the image which will be flashing.

Hud and Score added

I have added a Heads up displays that will move along with the spaceship as it goes through the level. the display will update every thing a diamond is picked up by the spaceship. I have also added a score which will also be added in the Hud. Points will be added when astroids and aliens are destroyed and when coins diamonds are collected.

Saturday 3 May 2014

Adding sound

Now I have added the collision to the Game in those functions I will be able to sound to them.
I have kept the Same sound for alien collision with bullets and astroids with bullets, this sound is an exploding sound.

Sounds added:

  • alien and bullet collision
  • astroid and bullet collision
  • Spaceship Death / losing a life
  • Coin Pickup
  • Diamond Pickup
  • Background Music 

Background Music has been added, the music is theme in a retro feel which goes with the rest of the theme.

Friday 2 May 2014

Collisions Added

Collisions Added :

  • Aliens and Bullets 
  • SpaceShip and Astroids 
  • Astroids and Bullets
  • Diamonds and SpaceShip 
  • Coins and SpaceShip
  • SpaceShip and Aliens 

Shooting Added

To increase the games quality I decide to introduce the ability to shoot. This will allow the player to destroy objects and obstacles that the player may encounter. The shooting will only be fired in the direction which the SpaceShip will be facing. I will use a group to allow the shooting with the image below.

To perform the shooting action i will use a function that will be called when the space bar is pressed.

UPDATE: Adding enemies

Through testing the Game i found that there can be a few errors with the Aliens when entered in as a group although it may be easier to enter in these way. Occasionally the aliens are over lapping making it easier for the player to complete the level.

I also wanted to enter the ability of the aliens to move around, however I have found that it is extremely difficult to do this as the groups will all follow the same path.

So I have decided to insert the enemies individually as sprites and set there tween to different areas of the map so that the game is more consistent from every play. 

Here I have set the alien to certain area of the map which I will do with the other aliens that I enter in later.